Association of Canadian Choral Condutors

Association of Canadian Choral Condutors

Friday, January 6, 2012

Choral Concert with host Peter Togni, January 8, 2012 9:00 - 11:00 am, (9:30 - 11:30 NL) on CBC Radio 2

The Huelgas Ensemble in Concert

This Sunday Peter Togni brings you one of the world’s truly great choral ensembles, the Huelgas ensemble conducted by Paul van Nevel. Not only do they have total mastery over pitch, style and rhythm – but they also have a unique sound that is very rich in the mid range, producing a gloriously deep tone. This is the kind of "total immersion" music you could listen to forever.

Based in Switzerland, this group started off as specialists in contemporary music and over the years have become more and more focused on Renaissance and Medieval music. They take their name from a Gregorian Chant manuscript based in Burgos, Spain called the “Codex Las Huelgas”.  

In this concert from Lunenburg, Germany you will hear music by Renaissance and Medieval masters Agricola, Rossi, Clemens non Pappa, Orlando de Lasso and with a jump ahead into the 1700’s, you will also hear the great baroque master J.S.Bach.

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