Association of Canadian Choral Condutors

Association of Canadian Choral Condutors

Thursday, February 13, 2014

CHORAL CONCERT, with host Nick Halley Sunday, February 16th, 2014: 9:05 - 10:00 am, (9:35 - 10:30 NT) on CBC Radio 2

Basking in the choral sun

Taking time to sing is a known cure for the winter blues. If you sing in a choir, you already know it is a very cathartic, healthy experience—especially for those who do it just for the love of it.

People have known this for a very long time. Back as far as the 1700’s in England people were really starting to get organized about choral singing and began to create choral societies all across the country. The regular folk loved choral singing and were really interested in finding music that they could practice and perform.

Well, enter George Frideric Handel. During this period he started writing tons of choral music these new groups could sing, and they loved him for it. It became a golden period with many of the most famous  choral works coming out of it.

This Sunday on Choral Concert Nick Halley will kick off the show with a great chorus from Handel’s Solomon, and then follow that up with music from the man who inspired both Handel and Bach – Dietrich Buxtehude.

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